Check It! & Correct It! Campaign

Check It! & Correct It! Campaign

There are many meaningful initiatives and polls that alert society about the challenges the male population face in every community across this state and country. The implementation of this initiative is to express a thorough thought process actively targeted at the high risk MALE population.

This initiative will be cornerstone in the fight to save lives by requesting the involvement of the collegiate system, religious and business communities across the state which will give birth to a concept where all people can participate to express solidarity on the health challenges the male population in our state and country face.

As the founding organizer, the National Prostate Awareness Association embarks upon the ultimate call of solidarity by implementing the Check it! & Correct it! Campaign.  NPAA represents servicing, prevention, action and support for the numerous documented casualties due to a lack of awareness and education.

With the vision at hand…Excellence Means Hope which means Hope For Victory! 





NPAA will become synonymous with Hope for a better tomorrow, Hope for the future, and Hope for victory over prostate cancer. During a time of uncertainty, participants of the Check it! & Correct it! Campaign will display unified support for survivors as well as those who are infected and/or affected by prostate cancer.

The campaign quietly says we support our future leaders and believe they will make the most of the opportunity to CHECK IT! & CORRECT IT!


 The support of businesses, churches and communities that are in direct contact with society’s male population will make a resounding impact to those affected populations both locally and nationally. Thus, we are asking all colleges, business, churches, law enforcement and community organizations to join in this call of solidarity.

By showing support, you can join the fight to reduce the alarming rate of prostate cancer victims by becoming a member today. Each participant visiting this web site can obtain memorable souvenirs which include bumper stickers, caps, wrist bands, lapel/breast pins, and T-shirts. Please register to become a member of National Prostate Awareness Association today, the resource for the Check it! & Correct it! Campaign.

Plan of Action:

 The Check it! & Correct it! Campaign looks to increase national awareness for prostate cancer. In order to do so, we need your support. And with your support NPAA can erect a 5.2M Multipurpose Community Cancer Complex for the benefit of minorities. The first of it’s kind in the US.
All colleges, businesses, churches and communities at large will be asked to participate in a pledge/poll by signing up for the Check it! & Correct it! CampaignOne out of every five American families has been and/or will be affected by prostate cancer within their respected communities. It is our hope that support for this campaign Check it! & Correct it! will show the future leaders of our state as well as the communities they reside in or go into, that, we, as a nation have Hope For Victory!


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