About NPAA

Who We Are

The National Prostate Awareness Association was established to promote the educational awareness, early detection, screening and servicing of males affected by the degenerative diagnosis of prostate cancer.

The association plans, develops, evaluates and analyzes strategies that decrease the effects of prostate cancer.  The association convenes a public engagement process that builds the capacity of individuals, groups, and organizations to participate in roundtable discussions, development sessions, symposiums, and conferences. The association facilitates an advocacy management process that allows stakeholders to collect information, share data, establish structures and impact stakeholders.

The signature intention of the association is to build a prostate cancer Health and Wellness Multipurpose Complex.  It is with in this context that an unprecedented legacy for health and wellness will be established at the dawn of the 21st century.

About The Founder


 The founding torchbearer Dr. James Hall is chairman of the board and has committed his life’s work to sustain the legacy of the association.
As a public health leader and a prostate cancer survivor, he inspires board members, staff and stakeholders to commit to the journey on behalf of society.

Our Mission

 The legacy of the association is to impact health and wellness disparities in minority communities, provide professional health care practitioners and promote science for the benefit and longevity of the minority male.

Education will be the main path to understanding ways to correct the evils of prostate cancer and will be the bullet that will discharge the understanding about how such a cancer attacks the male gender in the manner that is aggressively increasing the statistics among the Afro-American male population. The educational process begins with a personal examination which includes early screening and testing.