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What is Prostate Cancer?

Dr. James Hall Kicks Off 
NPAA Foundation!  The Charitable Arm of NPAA!

The NPAA Foundation is organized for research, educational, and scholarship purposes as meant by and within the meaning of those terms as used in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. 

As the fund raising arm of NPAA, the Foundation is committed to increasing the direct support we are able to provide our Association. During 2021, we will continued to reach out to the entire NPAA membership and corporate friends, inviting them to join us in this effort. What follows is a brief report of some of our most significant accomplishments, as well as goals for 2022.


The NPAA Foundation Board is committed to continuing its work in support of NPAA. We invite all NPAA members and friends to join the Foundation in serving millions of men having to deal with prostate cancer, and their families. 




Our mission is clear…to provide Hope for Victory, Hope for a Cure!


Fact: Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the gland cells of the prostate, which is found only in males. It affects over 200,000 men each year.


The Silent Killer

Men over the age of 40 need to be more aware of what prostate cancer is. In the last 10 years, prostate cancer has become one of the most common reasons of death among men over 40. Unfortunately, it spreads quietly and quickly. It is natural for people to be denial as we all think that such things would never happened to us, but guess what? We all are at risk. There is no male immune to this condition as it affects about one in every six men, particularly African-American men. Honestly, prostate cancer does not care if you are Hispanic, white or black, as long as you are a man!